Achieve greater WORK LIFE BALANCE (on your own terms) today

Comment limitless commented on Training for Poker Like An Elite Athlete: Criticism I want to echo some of the previous sentiments and just state, though I haven't watched all, that I've really enjoyed this series. Timestamps Below!! Many people say that it is impossible to go from the micro stakes to the highest stakes cash games on Pokerstars in 2017. My guest today I. Limitless 508 Views. Joined 2 years ago. I have played poker for around 10 years but never made it out of the micro`s despite being a winning player, I always seem to cash out or get bored of the game.

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Pause for a moment. Take action and control when it comes to achieving your family-friendly career goals. Download the free Work Life Balance Cheat Sheet and join the Creative Career Solutions for Parents community for regular, actionable doses of inspiration.

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Welcome to the home of inspirational career support for working parents.

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As you’ve found your way here, I think there are some assumptions I can fairly make about you. Play along (see… being productive can be fun!) and let’s see how accurate this is:

  • You are a working parent who recognises the value of ensuring your career compliments the lifestyle you want for your family
  • You are an awesome woman (or kick **** man) with untapped potential… who is ready to accelerate your career and lifestyle goal achievements
  • There’s a lot going on for you. This may involve a high pressure job (that you may or may not be loving right now), you may be planning your next career move, have a passion project or be building a business. You may be planning a wedding or might recently have had a baby (if the latter – that in itself is a lot going on!).
  • You’re not sure whether you are getting this work life balance ‘thing’ quite right but what you do know is that you want both a career and a lifestyle that you are proud of and are not prepared to sacrifice one for the other
  • The notion of “having it all” is kind of like marmite for you. You hate the pressure it brings at times but at other times, love the empowerment of it all. You may question how realistic it is but you’re sure as hell ready to give it a try.
  • In this moment… right now… you may recognise that if you keep going as you are, you’re not putting yourself in the best possible position to make it happen and being here today highlights that you’re now ready to make progress, not excuses

Essentially, while there’s much you’re grateful for, you are at the point where you feel like you need to organise your shizzle. You recognise that the way to do that is by creating some strategic “you” time… but don’t quite know how to squeeze that in. Is that even a realistic notion when there’s so much happening? Here’s the thing…

Absolutely limitless… and you’ve found the right place to support all of the above. But here’s the thing. Before you delve deeper into the community I want you to understand the below – and when you do, you’re ready to jump right in. So, repeat after me:

Take 30 seconds and sign up for free to be part of the Creative Career Solutions for Parents community here.

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Indulge in the Creative Career Solutions for Parents PODCAST. Click here, enjoy multiple episodes… and don’t forget to subscribe.

Explore how we can work together (we’ll make magic happen for you!)… and don’t hesitate to ask me more via the contact us page.

Achieve greater WORK LIFE BALANCE (on your own terms) today


(it’s free!)

Pause for a moment. Take action and control when it comes to achieving your family-friendly career goals. Download the free Work Life Balance Cheat Sheet and join the Creative Career Solutions for Parents community for regular, actionable doses of inspiration.

Limitless Poker